Grotto Falls and Payson Lakes

We escaped to the great outdoors for at least one last hurray before winter sets in here in Utah. One thing I have been very remorseful about is that I have not taken more advantage of the majestic mountains. A new world, hidden in the mountains has literally been minutes away from me my entire life. We do not get up there nearly enough.

As we hiked up the Grotto Falls trail, the kids were running circles around us. They loved pretending to be tight-rope walkers as they balanced on fallen tree logs that created the switchbacks for the trail. The hike was very relaxing and quite beautiful. You would think we struck gold the way the children reacted seeing the hidden waterfall at the top of the trail.

Next we ventured further up Payson Canyon to Payson Lakes and walked around the largest lake that has a paved walkway around. The sun was getting lower in the sky and the vistas were absolutely stunning. The kids ran, explored, collected bits of nature and squealed with delight. Such a rewarding thing for parents to watch. I loved slowly pacing behind them with my hand in Jared’s hand. There is something truly transcendental about getting away from your everyday surroundings, into nature, and finding yourself. I am always inspired being in that kind of godly beauty. About this day I hope never to forget the innocence, eagerness and excitement of my children, the companionship of my husband, and our experience as a family.


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